In 2021, our family of four started dealing with various health issues that at first seemed unrelated due to the vast differences in symptoms. After several months of working with an integrative doctor, we had testing that concluded we were getting sick from toxic mold in our home. The diagnosis was a surprise, considering our house had no visible mold or strange smells and was mainly updated. Getting to the root cause of our issues was a relief.
It turns out the extent of the mold in our home was much worse than we thought. We had to tear down and rebuild our entire house, paying everything out of pocket since our insurance policy didn't cover mold. Not able to afford a contractor to do all the work, we had to rebuild most of it on our own under the guidance of a licensed contractor.
It took two years of living in a camper, countless weekends spent with the kids at the hardware store, and having to remind ourselves daily that we would get through this, to finally move into our new home.